
At Serra Vida you receive access to a daily schedule of classes which is included in the room rate.

Want to join one of our classes, but not a guest? No problem, send us a message to book your class.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga is an active flow class that will combine movement and breath (original meaning of the word vinyasa). Starting with a gentle warmup, we tune in with our breath and slowly combine each breath with a posture (asana). Throughout the 60 minutes of this class we will transition from pose to pose and build up towards more challenging postures that help to support flexibility and strength while constantly coming back to the breath and awareness of the here and now and what is happening physically and mentally.

Every Monday 8AM-9AM € 10,-

Slow Flow Yoga

In this class we focus on gentle movements to stretch and take care of the body. Ranging from soft activation of the joints, and deep breath connection with our breath to dynamic movements that wake up the body and parts that might feel stiff or sore. This class is suitable for all levels and has a meditative character that brings us back home to ourself and in connection with our bodies, mind and the world around us. 

Every Tuesday, 8AM-9AM €10,-


Stress Release

Shaking Class

This fun class uses different stress release techniques to relax the body and let go of tension and calm your nervous system. We will use breathing exercises (pranayama), tapping and brushing off the body and shaking as easily accessible exercises. Shaking the body for longer periods of time is not only a fun and easy way to move, but “Shaking or trembling, which comes from the limbic brain (the part of the brain that holds emotions), sends a signal that the danger has passed and that the fight-or-flight system can turn off. They are literally finishing the nervous system response to release the traumatic experience from the body” (source:

Every Wednesday, 8AM-9AM, €10,-

Strong Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Yoga is an active flow class that will combine movement and breath (original meaning of the word vinyasa). Starting with a gentle warmup, we tune in with our breath and slowly combine each breath with a posture (asana). Throughout the 60 minutes of this class we will transition from pose to pose and build up towards more challenging postures that help to support flexibility and strength while constantly coming back to the breath and awareness of the here and now and what is happening physically and mentally.

The strong nature of this class is felt through spending more time in postures and by bringing up some fire and energy.

Every Thursday, 8AM-9AM, €10,-


Guided Dance


With influences from the 5 rhythms tradition and an eclectic mix of various music genres, this class will invite you to move, dance and express your self. With guidance of your teacher you will be reminded to feel your body, to move calmly and wildly and will be invited to a 60 minute journey to dance your heart out and sweat. 

Every Friday, 8AM-9AM, €10,-


Restorative Flow

Restorative yoga is a style of yoga that encourages physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Appropriate for all levels, restorative yoga is practiced at a slow pace, focusing on long holds, stillness, and deep breathing. Together with some somatic movements this class invites you into full body awareness and to then fully let go.

Every Saturday, 8AM-9AM, €10,-


Silent Mediation

A part of our foundation as a practice center is silence and stillness. We invite you to join our daily silent meditation. 30 minutes of stillness, as simple as that. For beginners we offer guided meditations to make the entrance easier. The roots of the meditation we practice lay in zen Buddhism as taught by zen master Thich Nath Hanh, with the focus in the in and out breath.

Mon-Thu & Sat, 7PM-7:30PM,

Free of charge.

Sharing Circle &

Sacred Mapacho

Each Friday we as a team but also as an offer for our guests and community, meet in a sharing circle and celebrate presence with the earth medicine Mapacho (ceremonial tobacco). In a sharing circle, each person receives time to share whatever is on their heart at that specific moment, the others listen mindfully and in full presence, with no feedback, no opinions, simply listening with compassion. To open the circle we use tobacco from Peru, which is brewed into a tea that we drink through our nose. Sounds strange, and also is quite intense, but the effect it has is worth the journey, as it brings you to a calm and grounded space and in a very pure connection with Mother Earth. There are no side effects, or trippy experiences, but a grounded and connected result. For more information, you can always reach out to us and we are happy to explain more. Sharing can also happen without the use of Mapacho, each participant can decide for themselves.

Every Friday, 7PM-9PM, €10,-