
At Serra Vida, we want to plant seeds for a more sustainable lifestyle, work towards a plastic-free planet and build in harmony with nature, and by doing so inspire and educate others.

How will we do this:

Encourage guests to not bring plastic and offer attractive alternatives like unpackaged toiletries, access to spring water, and smart kitchen solutions. 

Share waste awareness, up-cycling, composting and recycling initiatives with our guests.

Work with partners and suppliers that are driving sustainable solutions

Companies we are proud to work with include amongst others:

The young company that developed our smart and flexible yoga hall. Starting with sourcing of sustainable wood, use of natural wood treatments and ecological production the sustainability of the structure ends with avoiding a foundation during the building process. Like this the impact on the earth is minimised, we were able to live up to the high standards of the natural park authorities that proudly protect nature with us.

Looking for sustainable solutions we did not stop at our furniture. This is why our beds are made of recycled and recyclable card board, produce without creating waste and shipped climate neutrally by our amazing partner from Germany.

Reusable Coffee Capsules. We inherited capsule coffee machines with the purchase of this paradise…not so sustainable, we thought…so we searched and found a beautiful alternative, where we did not have to dispose the existing machines but rather turn them into waste free coffee machines with the innovation of our partners at Evergreen.

For our wooden furniture and decks we chose treatment and cleaning products by two organic brands we believe in. Not only is the production process happening under strict conditions that harm the planet as little as possible, also the ingredients used are of natural origin and do not harm humans and nature that get in contact with the treated wood.

Our cleaning products, hand soaps as well as washing detergent is produced as environmentally as possible and bought in bulk to reduce packaging. And the left over containers are reused for other purposes on our land and in our gardens.

Further, the way Serra Vida has been built, and is operated aims to be more sustainable and have less impact on Mother Earth. Our studios and main house use cork insulation to support local industry and work with natural building materials. To reduce our impact on a day to day, we heat our hot water with the sun and a solar system on our roofs and run our salt water pool with no chemicals. Regular river cleanups with our guests and volunteers, don’t only limit the impact on our land but also share this with all our neighbours by the river.