
Balance - From Earth to Akasha

“Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better” - Albert Einstein

Yoga * Breathwork * Meditation * Silence * Contemplation * Rituals * Shamanism * Free Dance * Creative Expression * Herbalism * Nature Walks * Cacao Circle * Sound Journey

In this Retreat you will receive...

Time to stop and feel.

Time to integrate so much the life has asked from you.

Time to slow down, to rest from the world and digest experiences.

Time to regenerate and reconnect to the elements inside you and around you.

Time to listen your soul and what Life force pulses within you, in a pure and truly magical nature.

An investment of time in yourself, to restore vitality, connection, peace, strength and harmony.

Whatever role you assume in the cosmos, is so importat to give yourself that break, that time of incubation, of internal diving into a sustained and beautiful space to renew energy, inspiration and gain new direction.

Balance - This Retreat is for you!

We will work with earth, water, air, fire and ether and receive from them the blessing and strength of transformation.

Sliding Scale Price

Base value 560€

Abundant value 620€

Price includes 3 nights' accommodation, meals supported by the 5 elements, all activities, use of the ecotourism space, swimming pool, river, and all the beautiful and surrounding nature.

Conducted in Portuguese and English

Hosted by Mónica Alquimia e Raquel Tuna

May 16th - May 19th

We Blossom

Step into the power of being a woman. Embrace and embody authentic and pure femininity

We Blossom - Weiblichkeits-Retreat

Dieses Retreat wird in Deutsch gehalten!

*Yoga *Transzendentale Meditation *Breathwork *Pranayama *Bewegung & Tanz *Somatic Embodiment *Gruppencoaching *Selbstliebe *Weiblichkeit *Mindset *Manifestation *Women Circle *Kakaozeremonie *Fotoshooting *Vegan und glutenfreie Vollverpflegung *Kochworkshop 

 "A circle of women may be the most powerful force known to humanity.

If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. Hold on. Love it up. Get naked. Let them see you. Let them hold you. Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle. You will be changed. The very fabric of your being will be altered.” Jeanette LeBlanc 

Sehnst du dich gerade nach einer Auszeit aus deinem Alltag?  

Wünschst du dir mehr Verbindung zu dir selbst und deiner Weiblichkeit? 

Hast du manchmal das Gefühl nicht dein volles Potential zu leben? 

Sehnst du dich nach mehr Leichtigkeit, Spaß und Verbundenheit mit gleichgesinnten Schwestern?

Dann ist dieses Retreat genau das Richtige für Dich!

“It’s time to become the woman you admire and look up to. She is you, you are her.” 

“It’s time to start living the life you’ve imagined”.

Entdecke neue Seiten und Facetten in dir und verbinde dich mit deiner Schöpferkraft. 

Umgeben von atemberaubender Natur und in einer starken Gemeinschaft von Frauen kannst du dich vollkommen fallen lassen und zurück in dein Urvertrauen finden. 

Ein Ort, an dem du dich wieder erinnern, heilen und aufblühen darfst!

Erlebe inspirierende Workshops, Meditationen, Breathwork, Gespräche und vieles mehr, die dich dabei unterstützen, deine weibliche Energie zu stärken, mehr Lebendigkeit zu erfahren und in Einklang mit dir selbst zu kommen. 

Deine Einführung und/ oder Vertiefung in deine ganz persönliche, spirituelle Lebenspraxis.

Preis: Regulär 2200€ 

(Transfer vom und zum Flughafen Lissabon 

und Transzendentaler Meditationskurs inbegriffen)

Anzahlung: 500€

Ratenzahlung möglich

Gönn dir diese Auszeit nur für dich und lass dich von der Magie des Retreats verzaubern.

Hosted by Abhigna Yasmin

June 11th - June 17th

Tantric Play Couples Retreat

October 03rd - Oct. 06th

Our Tantric Play Couples retreat is the permission you never needed to be cheeky and flirtatious in life.

This weekend retreat is designed to open you up to being fully alive, connected and playful. It is an invitation to deep dive into embodied sensuality, profound playfulness and tantric bliss. Our retreat explores conscious relating, boundaries, tantra yoga, kundalini meditations, sensual dinning immersions, temple nights, orgasmic breath work and playful connection workshops.

When thinking of Tantra, most people's minds go immediately to hour-long sex, retained ejaculations and out of body orgasms that ripple in waves through the entire universe. But our approach to Tantric Play is a bit more multidimensional than that. Even though the out of body orgasms are great of course, we seek to not limit the experience of sexual and sensual energy to intercourse. Rather to open up to the possibility that every wakeful moment of your live is a lovemaking session. After all, sex is the life-force energy that pervades the entire universe. It is the source of life, ecstacy, joy, and creation.

On the Tantric Play retreat, we seek to awaken to the fullness of our being through weaving all aspects of ourselves – the physical, emotional, and spiritual – into a unified whole. Because by connecting fully to ourselves first, a world of connection follows.

This is for you if…

  • You were always curious to explore the world of Tantra from an embodied and light place.

  • You are longing for a weekend retreat to fall in love with life through playfulness and connection.

  • You are looking to spend time in nature and trade in life's fast pace for life's sensory pleasures.

  • You are in need of a reminder what it is to be cheeky, flirtatious and sensual. And perhaps not take life too seriously.

  • You feel the need to deep dive into yourself, explore what it is to open up and allow your sensual energy to flow.

  • Whether you are a couple, lovers. single or friends, allowing connection to take place within, allows for a deeper relation with the world around you. If these are the things that make you come alive, then we invite you to step in to the realm of Tantric Play.

Weekend retreat includes:
3 nights accommodation, 3 x breakfast, lunch and dinner, 3 days retreat.


€700,- per person for a shared bedroom with your couple, terrace, bathroom, kitchen and lounge area.
Enjoy the early bird discount and book at a price of €650,- before the 1st of April.

Want to know more? Click here to dive deeper.

Feeling a full body yes, but lacking the funds? Send us a message!

Facilitated by

Shona Lisa & Pau Luna

  Durgas Tiger School  

200h Yoga Teacher Training

Join our Tantra, Yoga, Art and Shamanism Program and receive a 200-hour YTT certification.

In a world spinning faster every day, Durgas Tiger School from Ecuador created a path that connects old wisdom with our everyday live to be the vibrant humans we are meant to be. 

You don’t need a specific previous experience to come to this course. Kaula Tantra Yoga is a practice that can be established from the point where you are now and it allows you to dive into yoga, while becoming aware of your limits and possibilities and working with them respectfully. 
As a future teacher you learn how to bring people into awareness during the yoga practice. And during life. Unify body, mind, and spirit and learn how to integrate yoga and tantra into your daily life.

Applied Yogic-Tantric wisdom, arts and shamanism are tools used to dive into the theoretical part through experiencing, playfulness and creativity.

Through dancing the dualities we allow love to flow. We spiral “lightful” energy into a chaotic world, to create abundant islands where we do not have to function, but where the dignity to be a human can be lived. A world held alive for future generations. 

Durga’s tiger school is a unique opportunity for personal growth, self discovery and healing.
It will be a transformative experience in a beautiful environment with an intimate group of people who are equally committed to the teachings.

You will enjoy the opportunity to make new friends, get in contact with shamanistic cosmovision and see its similarities with the spiritual Indian culture, celebrate life through ceremonies and rituals as well as mindful presence and connection.

Are you in?

Main Practices:

This Yoga Teacher Training is an in-depth examination of the wholistic yoga path, and the transformational program is experience based.

We discover how to live together in a healthy way, forming a community that accepts not only the beautiful parts of each individual but also the anger, sadness and fear. You find that, when being held in a safe community, you will also able to access more freedom to be your unique self. 

You will explore the roots of Tantra and Shamanism understanding how different lineages reflect the same Cosmo-vision. You will leave with confidence to lead a Kaula Tantra Yoga class. A practice which channels a 5,000 year old series preparing the body for deep meditation. 

Durga’s Tiger School is where Ancient Tantric teachings meet Neo-Tantric practices; combined, they lead you into a new way of relating with the world around you. You will learn concrete tools that you can easily integrate into your daily life. Through experiential learning you will subtly break open the basics of Yoga Philosophy, yamas, niyamas and the eight-limb path in such a way that you will understand where they arise in your life and practice. 

Sample schedule

6:30 morning meditation

9:00 / 9:30 – 13:00 morning classes

15:30 / 16:00 – 18:30 / 19:00: afternoon class

20:15 – 22:00 night lab (three nights per week)


200 hours YTT: 1500€

Discount of 110 euros per person for 2 or more people who reserve together.

On top of the teaching fee, you can chose one of the below options to cover lodging and meals for 22 nights/days:

  • shared 4 people room and 3 delicious vegetarian meals per day: 1496 Euros (with VAT included)

  • single room with shared bathroom and 3 delicious vegetarian meals per day: 2611 OR 3076 Euros (depending on the room size – with VAT included)

  • single room with private bathroom and 3 delicious vegetarian meals per day: 3546 Euros (with VAT included)

  • double room (with big double bed), shared bathroom and 3 delicious vegetarian meals per day: 1669 Euros OR 1901 Euros (depending on the size of the room – with VAT included)

  • double room (with big double bed), private bathroom and 3 delicious vegetarian meals per day: 2136 Euros


April 5th - 27th 2025


Let’s Create-Yoga Retreat

April 28th - May 3rd 2025

This retreat is hosted in Dutch

Je kunt zelf je eigen menu samenstellen, wil je rust Mindfulness en ontspanning..dan kun je meedoen aan de meditaties, Yin en Hatha yoga, bosbaden en creatieve workshops.

Wil je actie, vuur, transformatie en je fitter en vitaal voelen kun je meedoen aan de Vinyasa, Hatha, Kundalini Yoga én creatieve en transformerende workshops.

Wil je een mooie balans tussen Yin en Yang kun je ook al deze programma onderdelen volgen!

We bieden dus verschillende creatieve workshops aan waarin je leert creëeren vanuit je intuïtie en onderbewustzijn..and that's where the magic happens!!

Ook een workshop Opstellingen en een workshop Trailrunning behoren tot de mogelijkheden. Al deze workshops zijn inclusief de prijs!

De studio's op het terrein van Serra Vida zijn prachtig en er is ook een zwembad voor een frisse duik.

Alle maaltijden zijn verzorgd en er is genoeg vrije tijd om heerlijk een boek te lezen aan het zwembad of zelf de natuur in te gaan.

Wat kun je verwachten?

>>Welkomst ceremonie, zetten van intenties

>>Een diversiteit aan yogalessen, Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini en Yin yoga

>>Meditatie en pranayama (ademhaling)

>>Creatieve workshops

>>Transformerende workshop met opstellingen

>>Bosbaden en trailrunning

>>Heerlijke vegetarische maaltijden, tijd voor jezelf en verbinden met de/je natuur.

Ben je nieuwsgierig en wil je meer informatie? Klik hier voor de brochure!

Of neem contact met ons op door op de knop beneden te klikken. We horen graag van je.

Liefs Lou & Yvonne

Moving Through Loss

Moving Through Loss - A grief retreat for women

You are invited to Serra Vida, a paradise in Portugal’s Serra de São Mamede National Park, to rediscover hope through expert grief support. This cultural immersion, all women’s grief retreat will help you reconnect with yourself, with others who are grieving, and with the enchanting realm of nature.

Join Elizabeth and Laura, specialists in grief and loss, at Serra Vida in the warm embrace of women who are mourning the death of a person significant to their life. During this 5-day, 4-night luxury retreat, we will dive into the enchanting realm of nature and reconnect with ourselves in an immersive cultural experience in the Portuguese countryside. Together, we will explore and learn about grief, find support, nurture our bodies, minds and souls, and begin to return to life in celebration of memories and connection.

“Grief is not a problem to solve, it is a process to move through.”

Accommodations include:

  • Five days and four nights at Serra Vida

  • Ground transportation to and from Lisbon International Airport (LIS)

  • Four breakfasts

  • Two on-site lunches and one picnic lunch

  • Four dinners, including welcome reception, one multi-course dinner with wine pairing, one chef-prepared local meal, and one artisanal meal prepared in on-site brick oven

  • Guided excursion to Marvão

  • Transportation to and from Castello de Vide. Lunch is not included on this excursion

  • One session with a grief counselor

  • Four group grief workshops

  • Four sunrise yoga sessions

  • One sunset sound healing session

Death is the price that we pay for being human but the chaos of grief can bring the strongest to their knees and the heartbreak of loss can make us feel that we have lost our way. Together, Elizabeth and Laura have more than 20 years of experience helping children and adults cope with chronic and terminal illness, death, dying, grief, and loss. We specialize in helping others find their way through the chaos and darkness and (re)find themselves and the beauty and joy of the world around them. With compassion and respect, Elizabeth and Laura find connection, hope and laughter with people and the natural world in a safe and nonjudgmental manner.

Would you like to know more? You can find the brochure here or visit their website.

May 20th - May 24th 2025