6 Months of Work Exchange Coming to Completion

A beautiful work exchange period of 6 months is coming to an end. We had woofers and volunteers from 10 nationalities exchanging their skills, knowledge and energy for accommodation and daily practice of yoga, meditation and dance.

In this first chapter of Serra Vida we witnessed the power and profound transformation of a community working together. Not only did we transform the gardens, the houses and facilities on the land of this place of presence, we also witnessed transformation in people who practiced and worked together as a community in nature. Most striking for us was the simplicity of life that had such profound impact. Slow down, follow a daily routine of practice and work and spending a lot of time in nature, working with our hands and letting the mind rest. For us, this was a beautiful teaching to see that it does not take much for people to come home to themselves and their natural state. We offered 5 morning classes and evening meditations per week, closed off by a weekly sharing circle on Fridays. This offering, as simple as it sounds, had great effect on us and our team that has grown to a family reaching all around the globe.

And the transformation of the beautiful land we found here has been breath taking; We revived and cleaned the gardens, created a dance floor and event space by the river, build an amazing yoga hall on top of the valley, turned our ancient bread oven house into a gastronomic retreat kitchen with all the bells and whistles. All the houses were painted outside an inside, new sustainable beds and mattresses were bought, vintage markets hunted for beautiful sustainable interior, wood decks cleaned, sanded and treated with organic products, plumbing fixed, roofs repaired, furniture built and cleaned, cleaned cleaned…as you can see we have not stood still since we’ve become the guardians off this magical space in October 2022.

And now it is time to say farewell to our work exchange and volunteer family and enter the next period of our year; which is opening for visitors, retreats and magical events and workshops.

Kicking off with a yoga teacher training that focusses on shamamic tradition, tantra and creativity, we are proud to welcome Durgas Tiger school as our first official guests for a one month program. As off May we will kick off our own daily program and be open for individual travellers, seekers and practitioners until the next retreat will kick off in the end of may.